Reel Works Gala 2016: Celebrating Women in Media

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November 1, 2016

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Empire partnered with Reel Works again toproduce their 2016 Benefit Gala, Celebrating Women in Media. Reel Works is oneof the leading digital media educators in the United States and the onlyfilmmaking program that matches teens 1:1 with professional filmmaker-mentorsto tell their stories and have their voices heard. It’s a powerful combinationthat changes young New Yorkers lives by allowing them to present their unfilteredvoices.

This year's gala began with a VIP reception in the historic Capitale,adorned with Corinthian columns, Venetian glass, marble mosaic floors and 65-footceiling. Honorees Dr. Stacy Smith, Director of the Media, Diversity and SocialChange Initiative at USC’s Annenberg School, Karen Horne, Senior Vice Presidentof Programming Talent Development and Inclusion for NBC Entertainment andUniversal Television Studios and Mona-Scott Young, CEO and Founder of MonamiEntertainment mingled with guests and all were invited to enjoy cocktails andpassed hors d’oeuvres before to making their way into the ballroom for theprogram and dinner.

Empire managed the stage program working with, New YorkCity-based actor, stand-up comedian and writer, Naomi Ekperigin. Ekperigin hasbeen listed as one of "7 Reasons Why SNL Should Hire a Black Woman"on and one of "8 Black Comediennes Who are Ready forSNL" by Essence Magazine. Together we were able to highlight the work of honorees,chair members, and students.

As the evening progressed, the enthusiastic Charles Antintook the stage as the live auctioneer, helping to raise a record $480,000. Theevening wrapped with the F. John Outcalt Award for Outstanding Filmmakingwinner announcement and special musical performance by Diana Gordon, thesongwriter named “the mind behind one of 2016’s most memorable lyrics”: “Hebetter call Becky with the good hair” from Beyoncé’s “Sorry”.

Event sponsors included Empire Entertainment, NBC Universal,Annenberg Foundation, Samsung Hope for Children, BBDO, HBO, Comedy Central, VH1,and Viacom.

Empire is proud of the continued partnership with the ReelWorks organization and our contribution to making the evening the mostsuccessful benefit dinner to date.

If you are interested in learning more about Reel Worksplease visit:​

A modern event space decorated with greenery, featuring sleek tables and chairs with a Microsoft Connect() sign.

Guests received their first taste of technological innovation at registration, where they were welcomed by name on a reactive LED screen installation covering the full width of the entry wall. A large lunch café was created with a décor scheme that incorporated custom-built, ceiling-high steel LED frames draped with foliage to create smaller, intimate restaurant-style spaces that displayed both technology and nature.

A series of breakout sessions presented content targeted to attendees’ varied interests, while imagery displayed throughout the venue showcased real-life applications of how products designed to empower developers help to unleash the power of data and reimagine possibilities that will improve our world.

Every element of Microsoft Connect(); from registration, breakfast and keynote, to lunch and evening cocktails, were custom-designed to communicate exacting brand messaging and to deliver a high-touch guest experience to this important audience. The keynote and breakout sessions were livestreamed through an onsite studio built for this purpose and content was watched online by millions around the world.

Empire is proud to collaborate with Microsoft on this annual, top-tier business communication event.

To view excerpts of Connect(); 2017, please visit

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