Dartmouth College’s The Call to Lead Campaign Launch Events

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May 1, 2018

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When DartmouthCollege launched its $3 billion capital campaign entitled The Call to Lead, themost ambitious in its 250 year history, their leadership and Board of Trusteeschose Empire as their creative and production partner.

The Call to Lead waslaunched as part of a comprehensive, multi-platformcommunications strategy which included a series of highly experientialevents for generations of alumni in New York, Hanover, NH, and San Francisco.These events would need to both inspire emotional responses to renew theconnections among the alumni and their ambitions for their alma mater, but theywould also need to appeal on a rational basis by illustrating its far-reachingplans to advance Dartmouth’s distinctive liberal arts experience, fuel researchdiscoveries that improve the human condition around the globe and preparestudents—across disciplines and programs—for lives of leadership in a complex,interconnected world.

On April 27,over 500 Dartmouth alumni, parents, and friends gathered for the first of the campaignlaunch events at the Duggal Greenhouse in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, withspectacular views of New York Harbor and the New York City skyline. Arriving byferry as well as by vehicles, guests were greeted by a boisterous musicalwelcome performed by an ensemble of Dartmouth musicians and dancers.

Passing throughan efficient check-in, guests then made their way down a reception corridorlined with hedges hung with placards featuring quotes by celebrated alumni, includingDaniel Webster and Shonda Rhimes. At the end of the corridor guests emerged intoan expansive representation of Dartmouth’s Green with pathways running between elegant,scale model replicas of iconic Dartmouth buildings like Baker Tower andDartmouth Hall. In the center of the Green stood a soaring wooden bar, built toresemble the bonfire that is part of every Fall Homecoming. Guests enjoyed aDartmouth-inspired menu of appetizers and wines produced by Dartmouthalumni-owned wineries.

At theconclusion of the cocktail hour, a spontaneous, flash mob-style musicalperformance by a 20-person student & alumni ensemble led guests to a gianttraveler curtain which opened to reveal a massive dining hall set with banquettables for 500. Surrounding the room was a monumental, 270 degree projectionsystem that created an immersive environment, placing attendees at the centerof Dartmouth Green.

Once gueststook their seats, a powerfully-evocative Marchof Time video counted down 249 years of Dartmouth’s illustrious history andestablished the theme of leadership, setting the stage for President Philip J.Hanlon’s outline of the vision for the future of Dartmouth and the formalannouncement of The Call to Lead.

JournalistSusan Dentzer and actress Connie Britton, both Dartmouth alumnae, hosted theevents in Brooklyn and San Francisco, respectively. Students and faculty sharedstories of collaboration spanning disciplines, generations and geographies thathave led to world-changing impact. The evenings were also filled with surprisemoments, stunning announcements of substantial support and donations by manygenerous alumni.

Between stagesegments, meals were served with precision timing as guests were treated to avisual extravaganza of HD footage and high resolution imagery of the Dartmouthcampus through the seasons.

Both eventsculminated with Laurel Richie, Board of Trustees Chair, recapping Dartmouth’sstrategic priorities and energizing the crowd to act and answer The Call to Lead. At the conclusion ofRichie’s remarks, the musical performers appeared once again for a finaléperformance, inspired by the Dartmouth Bonfire tradition and enhanced withsurround visuals of the burning bonfire through the generations. Thisperformance led guests back to the reception area, which had been transformedduring dinner into a future-forward afterparty with young alumni DJs, greenscreen photo booths and a variety of themed activities.

Following theimmensely successful New York event, Empire transported the entire event acrossthe country by truck and restaged everything at San Francisco’s Fort MasonFestival Pavilion just five days later – an ambitious and precision undertaking.

Empire workedclosely with several Dartmouth departments and teams, as well as with students and volunteers, as well as creative, communications,production and event partners to plan and execute the events. Empire oversawevery detail including concept development, messaging, venue acquisition,budgeting, registration, scripting, screen content production, technicalproduction, catering, permitting, security, scenic, décor, staffing and guestlogistics & experience.

In addition tothe live events, Empire and Dartmouth jointly created an extensive body ofvisual assets for display at the events, to promote social media sharing and engagementby alumni, for repackaging and deployment in a concise 10-city road show andfor web & email marketing to be used over the extended campaign.

Empire is proudto have partnered with Dartmouth to produce these campaign events which helpedto motivate over $100 million in commitments during the five days between theNew York and San Francisco events.

Empire is aleading producer of high-level events, both on and off campus, for Ivy Leagueschools and many of the world’s leading educational institutions.

For moreinformation on Dartmouth’s Campaign, visit https://calltolead.dartmouth.edu/

A modern event space decorated with greenery, featuring sleek tables and chairs with a Microsoft Connect() sign.

Guests received their first taste of technological innovation at registration, where they were welcomed by name on a reactive LED screen installation covering the full width of the entry wall. A large lunch café was created with a décor scheme that incorporated custom-built, ceiling-high steel LED frames draped with foliage to create smaller, intimate restaurant-style spaces that displayed both technology and nature.

A series of breakout sessions presented content targeted to attendees’ varied interests, while imagery displayed throughout the venue showcased real-life applications of how products designed to empower developers help to unleash the power of data and reimagine possibilities that will improve our world.

Every element of Microsoft Connect(); from registration, breakfast and keynote, to lunch and evening cocktails, were custom-designed to communicate exacting brand messaging and to deliver a high-touch guest experience to this important audience. The keynote and breakout sessions were livestreamed through an onsite studio built for this purpose and content was watched online by millions around the world.

Empire is proud to collaborate with Microsoft on this annual, top-tier business communication event.

To view excerpts of Connect(); 2017, please visit https://www.microsoft.com/connectevent

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