The Endeavor Gala 2018

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November 1, 2018

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​In November 2018, Empire partnered with Endeavor tocelebrate 21 years of leading the high-impact entrepreneurship movement. Thisyear’s gala celebrated the creation of over 1.5 million jobs by EndeavorEntrepreneurs and showcased Endeavor’s powerful global network of over 500game-changing entrepreneurs and international industry leaders.

The Gala took place at Spring Studios and opened with a cocktailreception overlooking New York City's trendy Tribeca neighborhood. Guestsenjoyed hors d'ouevres served on innovative hand-carried serving racks by PinchFood Design and sampled Rabbit Hole Distillery products from a laboratory-stylebar as they circulated among exhibits showcasing Endeavor Entrepreneur productsin food & beverage, retail, fashion, technology and more. Signature cocktailsfeaturing blueberries by Endeavor Entrepreneur company Grupo Interrupción* wereserved on an automated conveyor belt as well as an ever changing array ofEndeavor Entrepreneur products like Banza Mac and Cheese, Beesline lip balm,Pacari Chocolate, and more for guests to take home.

Following cocktails, all guests were invited to a seateddinner in the massive, minimalist Studios 3&4. The dinner program included keynoteremarks by Endeavor Global’s Chairman, Edgar Bronfman Jr., and honored BillMcGlashan, Founder and Managing Partner of TPG Growth and CEO of The Rise Fund.At the conclusion of dinner, guests enjoyed a performance by Warner Musicartist, Matt Maeson.

After dinner, guests moved downstairs to Endeavor's Scale UpParty in the cocktail space now transformed into a nightclub. The after partyfeatured music by Hannah Bronfman.

Empire collaborated with the Endeavor team to plan andexecute this carefully-orchestrated event, for which every aspect of the designshowcased the organization's mission and success stories. Designs includedscenic exhibits, custom printing highlighting Endeavor’s global impact, andfurniture fabrications that visually represented various Endeavor Entrepreneurs'inventions and business models.

Empire is a leading producer of innovative not-for-profitgalas and Empire is proud to support this organization that has transformedlocal economies through innovation, job creation and mentorship.

To learn more about Endeavor, please visit

A modern event space decorated with greenery, featuring sleek tables and chairs with a Microsoft Connect() sign.

Guests received their first taste of technological innovation at registration, where they were welcomed by name on a reactive LED screen installation covering the full width of the entry wall. A large lunch café was created with a décor scheme that incorporated custom-built, ceiling-high steel LED frames draped with foliage to create smaller, intimate restaurant-style spaces that displayed both technology and nature.

A series of breakout sessions presented content targeted to attendees’ varied interests, while imagery displayed throughout the venue showcased real-life applications of how products designed to empower developers help to unleash the power of data and reimagine possibilities that will improve our world.

Every element of Microsoft Connect(); from registration, breakfast and keynote, to lunch and evening cocktails, were custom-designed to communicate exacting brand messaging and to deliver a high-touch guest experience to this important audience. The keynote and breakout sessions were livestreamed through an onsite studio built for this purpose and content was watched online by millions around the world.

Empire is proud to collaborate with Microsoft on this annual, top-tier business communication event.

To view excerpts of Connect(); 2017, please visit

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