Bulgari Aurora Awards Tokyo

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December 1, 2022

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BVLGARI JAPAN hosted the BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS 2022 Golden Carpet and Awards Ceremony at the newly built Ariake Arena (created for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games) in Tokyo on December 7, 2022. Celebrated for the sixth time, Empire is proud to have produced the BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS since its inception, and to be a part of fulfilling BVLGARI’s vision for this important movement.

The BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS shine a spotlight on the achievements and activities of inspiring women who possess unparalleled creativity, intellect, and talent in a range of areas, celebrate the way they live, and bestow them with awards. This celebrated format has been successfully reproduced by BVLGARI around the globe, including in China, Europe and South Korea.

In attendance for the star-studded event were 400 VIP guests and 5000 public spectators, including Awardee/model Hikari Mori, global music sensation Miyavi and actress/model & BVLGARI Ambassador Kōki. Also in attendance, as well as gracing the stage for an enthralling musical performance was actor, artist, & BVLGARI Ambassador Tomohisa Yamashita.

The grand scale of the arena location was enhanced by a 120' wide screen with a 3-story high dynamic Kinesys motion controlled central LED screen. The event’s after party included performances from renowned DJ’s AmiAya and a 360-degree projection mapping that completely immersed the guests in a world of dynamic beauty and color fitting of BVLGARI and the many honored guests.

As the AWARDS continue to grow and evolve, we look forward to continuing to be a part of the team that further builds their reach, recognition, and impact.

A modern event space decorated with greenery, featuring sleek tables and chairs with a Microsoft Connect() sign.

Guests received their first taste of technological innovation at registration, where they were welcomed by name on a reactive LED screen installation covering the full width of the entry wall. A large lunch café was created with a décor scheme that incorporated custom-built, ceiling-high steel LED frames draped with foliage to create smaller, intimate restaurant-style spaces that displayed both technology and nature.

A series of breakout sessions presented content targeted to attendees’ varied interests, while imagery displayed throughout the venue showcased real-life applications of how products designed to empower developers help to unleash the power of data and reimagine possibilities that will improve our world.

Every element of Microsoft Connect(); from registration, breakfast and keynote, to lunch and evening cocktails, were custom-designed to communicate exacting brand messaging and to deliver a high-touch guest experience to this important audience. The keynote and breakout sessions were livestreamed through an onsite studio built for this purpose and content was watched online by millions around the world.

Empire is proud to collaborate with Microsoft on this annual, top-tier business communication event.

To view excerpts of Connect(); 2017, please visit https://www.microsoft.com/connectevent

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