Amber Mathis

Senior Technical Producer

Amber joined the Empire team in 2016 after nearly a decade working in theater. At Empire, Amber takes on the role of technical director, production manager, program producer and show caller, depending on the needs of each project. She is also the resident voice of god. Amber’s résumé spans outdoor festivals, headliner concerts, multi-day corporate conferences, thought leadership summits, and not-for-profit events and galas. In 2021, she executive produced New 42’s Let’s Get This Show On the Street live show and broadcast, which was nominated for both an Anthem award and a NY Emmy. In 2020 she was named one of the Top 50 for Lasso's Top Women in Events. This annual award highlights and celebrates some of the most influential women in this industry. Amber is originally from sunny south Florida and loves flip flops, beach days, and musical theater.