Coti Zavala

Production Coordinator

Coti Zavala is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has lived in 5 countries in Latin America and speaks 5 languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, and French. She received a Bachelor’s Degree from Bentley University in 2022 in Creative Industries and Entrepreneurial Studies, where she studied abroad at Semester at Sea. From there, Coti started working at Empire Entertainment as a Production Associate until January 2023 when she became a full-time employee as a Production Coordinator. She has coordinated various events so far: Dartmouth Give a Rouse 2022 tour in 5 different cities in the US, Target Financial Community Meeting 2023, CyberArk IMPACT 2023 in Boston, Pratt Industries Plant Opening, BMGF Grand Challenges 2023 in Dakar, Senegal, Hanwha Group LIFEPLUS NY 2023, and more. She is actively working on a variety of projects for 2024 and looks forward to more to come. She has a huge passion for turning ideas into actions and those actions into meaningful projects. She values communication, authenticity, and adaptability both professionally and personally. She has a passion for events relating to networking, society, sports, music, fundraising, fashion, concerts, etc. She intends to continue being a meaningful player on the Empire team and hopes to continue making a positive impact in the Events Industry.