Ted Miller

CEO, Empire Japan

Based in Tokyo, Theodore is President and Representative Director of Empire Entertainment Japan, managing the company’s growing operations in Asia. He has over 20 years of experience working in Asia in the areas of creative media, marketing communications, information technology and general management. Theodore began his career in Japan at Dentsu Inc., Japan’s largest advertising agency, where he was Account Executive on the domestic Honda and Gateway accounts. He also worked for Gateway, holding the positions of Marketing Manager, and later Director of Business Development. He left Gateway in 2000 to become President of one of Japan’s newest Internet Service Providers, livedoor, which he helped grow into Japan’s 6th largest ISP. Theodore launched Empire Japan in 2005, and over the last 14 years has had the pleasure of working with many of the world’s top brands. Coming from a strong creative background, Emmy award-winning Theodore has worked with the likes of Michael Bay, John Woo and Academy Award Nominee director, Bennett Miller, yet has had no reservations about sinking his teeth - as Executive Producer – into Jordan Rubin’s cult horror movie, Zombeavers. Theodore holds a BA degree in East Asian Studies from New York University’s College of Arts & Sciences. He has also attended Waseda University in Tokyo and Fudan University in Shanghai where he studied literature, religion, comparative culture and language. Theodore is fluent in spoken and written Japanese.